Upholstery is a magical thing. From different textures to different colors, to different types, there is something for everybody. Although there are A LOT of options, upholstery is very difficult to nail. It ties the whole room together & can make or break the vibe of the room.
Therefore, getting the right upholstery is of extreme importance. There are a number of factors one should keep in mind while choosing the ideal upholstery.
Upholstered furniture is padded furniture that is always enclosed in fabric. It has a steel or wooden frame over which springs and cushioning are attached.
You can find upholstered living room chairs, single, double-seater, or triple-seater sofas, dining chairs, couches, etc. No matter which area of your house you are furnishing, you can find suitable upholstered furniture for it.

In This Article, we’re covering our 6 favourite kind of upholsteries that go most with all the Interior Types
6 Ideal Upholstery Fabrics :
- Leather
- Cotton
- Silk
- Velvet
- Olefin
- Linen
Leather is one of the most commonly used upholstery fabrics used around the globe. Depending on one’s care leather is extremely durable and can last up to 5 years. It is also spill & chemical resistant.
Unlike other fabrics, leather doesn’t get dirtier with time like cotton or linen with due to the warmth exuded by people’s bodies and the dirt on their clothes that isn’t necessarily visible to the naked eye. It also doesn’t absorb different smells for eg the smell of smoke or perfume.

The Leather Upholstery Fabric is best suited for contemporary (& British) interior & modern interior types. Leather is a popular upholstery choice particularly for the bar / office / study areas of the house.
- Leather is harder than other upholstery options.
- It can be a tab bit more expensive than other upholstery options out there.

Another widely used upholstery fabric is Cotton. It is a breathable, sustainable, 100% natural occurring fabric. Cotton is an extremely versatile fabric. It is easily dyeable, making it easier to find in any choice of color out there. In addition to this, cotton is extremely durable, is resistant to abrasion and is a very cost-effective fabric.
So many qualities in one fabric are unheard off! Since the fabric is so light & breathable, making it ideal for daily use.

- Cottons Wrinkles easily.
- Cotton is high maintenance. For example, it absorbs spills and stains easily and requires continues upkeep.

Silk upholstery has been around for a long time. From being used by royals for their furniture, curtains, tables mats, chair cover/upholstery etc., to doing the round in the modern world by being included for the same things but in different designs.
Silk as a fabric is one of the most sensual fabrics out there. It instantly adds a glamour quotient to any interior setting and looks effortlessly beautiful, given it is used the right way. Its elegant appearance gives it an edge over other fabrics.

Another major benefit of silk as an upholstery fabric that it is Anti-Wrinkle & Anti-Crush Resistance. Can be used for sofas, throws & beddings as well.
- Silk as a fabric is much more prone to wear & tear. This makes it ideal to be used for furniture or interior objects that won’t be used frequently.
- Silk as a fabric is costlier than other fabrics. Therefore, the clients are cautioned of being completely thorough before making the big purchase for their home. Faux Silk is available as a replacement of the real deal & has the same luster and appeal.
- Possibly one of the biggest cons of choosing silk as an upholstery is its ability to absorb moisture and water. Once the fabric comes in contact with water, it leaves a stain that is hard to come back from.

Unlike popular belief, Velvet is one of the most extravagant, easy and modulable upholstery fabrics to work with. The fact that it has no raised weaves, loose threads & has a flat pile similar to a rug weave, it makes if almost impossible for the fabric to snag.

It is quite versatile as it can be used in almost all forms of home furnishings, namely- couches, ottomans, curtains, cushions etc.
- As a fabric, velvet can be pretty difficult to clean. The only way to maintain velvet is to vacuum it. A normal dust here and there is just not going to do the job.

Olefin is a man-made fibre that is created from plastic pellets that are melted, and then forced through a spinneret, which resembles a shower-head, creating the fibre, which is then spun into yarn and woven into fabric.

Due to these properties, olefin is an ideal fabric for outdoor use. It is majority stain resistant, easy to clean, abrasion, chemical & fire resistance, really does check all the boxes.
- One of the very few cons of this fabric is that its isn’t resistant to oil-based stains that can be difficult to clean.
- Another drawback is that it tends to become brittle if it is exposed to too much sunlight.

Linen is one of our favorite fabrics. It is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is very durable, absorbent and dries faster than cotton. It is one of the oldest fabrics that exists in the world.
The most admirable quality of this fabric is that it is Eco-Friendly. The Flax plant is easy to grow without fertilisers or irrigation. It used one-fourth of the water cotton uses during processing.

Other than these amazing factors, linen is a wonderful touch and feel. It feels soft and easy on the skin.
- Not Strain Resistant
- Wrinkles Easily
- Fibers get weak if they’re exposed to too much sunlight
Now That You’ve Understood Some Of the Different Types Of Upholstery Fabrics Out There, Let’s Take A Look At The Factors To Consider When Choosing The Right Pick For You!
There is not much that goes into picking the right choice, but these few Pointers should be followed thoroughly. One should always keep a theme of interiors planned in their minds. Since upholstery is such an integral part of the home and the entire vibe, it is important to keep the colour theme in mind.
Another Factor to keep in mind is how is it going to go with the colour of the walls and the rest of the furniture. For Example, wooden furniture requires a certain color tone to compliment it whereas metallic furniture requires a completely varied colour palette.
A person would need to consider whether it matches the décor of the room and whether the difficulty to clean it will be an issue.
Well, I hope this article has helped you in understand the importance of upholstery a little better & gave you a better insight how to choose the right one for you.
Be sure to browse through our website to pick out the perfect décor to go with your perfectly picked out Upholstery! *Winkwink*
Have A Great Day <3
It got my attention when you said that leather can last up to 5 years, and it is extremely durable on furniture. This reminds me of furniture stores that need to shop for wholesale fabric for their products. I could imagine how they could consider leatherette fabric in order to save money and get the best quality at the same time. https://akakus.co.uk/about-us
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